


11.1.4ch – 条形音响的创新

以条形音响 HW-Q990C的11.1.4ch声道配置为例,介绍每个声道数字的具体含义。第一个数字代表前向投射水平声道的数量,第二个数字代表低音声道的数量,第三个数字代表上射式声道的数量。对于11.1.4ch条形音响,其结构配置如下:11个主要标准音频声道(前置和环绕声道)、1个低音声道(用于增强低音)和4个上射式声道(用于顶部音效)。

There is a bird's eye view of a livingroom TV-soundbar setup including a main soundbar unit placed on a console, a subwoofer next to the console on the floor, and two rear speakers behind a couch. There are sound waves coming from the main soundbar unit and the two rear speakers. In the center are three numbers: 11 for front and surround channels, 1 for subwoofer channel, and 4 for up-firing channels. There is a bird's eye view of a livingroom TV-soundbar setup including a main soundbar unit placed on a console, a subwoofer next to the console on the floor, and two rear speakers behind a couch. There are sound waves coming from the main soundbar unit and the two rear speakers. In the center are three numbers: 11 for front and surround channels, 1 for subwoofer channel, and 4 for up-firing channels.





There is a closeup of a subwoofer next to a TV console. There are sound waves coming from the bottom. Three numbers are on the bottom: 9, 1, and 4. There is a closeup of a subwoofer next to a TV console. There are sound waves coming from the bottom. Three numbers are on the bottom: 9, 1, and 4.



In a cozy, dimly lit livingroom, there are two rear speakers and a wall-mounted TV-soundbar pair. Three numbers are on the bottom: 9, 1, and 4. 4 is highlighted. The 4 up-firing channels in the setup are highlighted - 1 in each rear speaker and 2 in the main soundbar. In a cozy, dimly lit livingroom, there are two rear speakers and a wall-mounted TV-soundbar pair. Three numbers are on the bottom: 9, 1, and 4. 4 is highlighted. The 4 up-firing channels in the setup are highlighted - 1 in each rear speaker and 2 in the main soundbar.



