32英寸 G75NB 曲面Mini LED电竞显示器 S32BG750NC

32英寸 G75NB 曲面Mini LED电竞显示器 S32BG750NC


  • 量子点矩阵技术
  • 强劲的游戏性能
  • 1000R曲面屏呈现逼真体验



The back of the monitor turns on the rear core lighting. The monitor rotates 180-degrees to show both light, placed on the front down-side of the monitor, with blue rocket ship onscreen. The camera then zooms out to show the front of the monitor with the same rocket ship still on screen. The back of the monitor turns on the rear core lighting. The monitor rotates 180-degrees to show both light, placed on the front down-side of the monitor, with blue rocket ship onscreen. The camera then zooms out to show the front of the monitor with the same rocket ship still on screen.



震撼的视觉体验。量子点Mini LED面板搭载的量子点矩阵技术,打造出可控亮度以及超高的对比度,为您带来锐利的图像。控光分区增加至1196个,配合高达12bit的灰阶控光水平,呈现惊艳的画质。

A video shows a split monitor screen with "Edge LED" on the left with a few large dots and "Quantum Mini-LED" on the right with many small dots. The left then shows ten local dimming zones and the right with 1,194. A shining star then appears on the screen as the monitor rotates to its left. A video shows a split monitor screen with "Edge LED" on the left with a few large dots and "Quantum Mini-LED" on the right with many small dots. The left then shows ten local dimming zones and the right with 1,194. A shining star then appears on the screen as the monitor rotates to its left.

* 与三星传统产品相比较。

捕捉细节 击败对手

量子点 HDR 2000


A video shows a shooting game with "Conventional" colors with a VDE badge, which displayed in the left corner. Two bars of black-and-white and color get longer and more refined as it's changed from conventional to HDR. An enemy's shadow becomes more clear from the game scene with "Quantum HDR2000". A video shows a shooting game with "Conventional" colors with a VDE badge, which displayed in the left corner. Two bars of black-and-white and color get longer and more refined as it's changed from conventional to HDR. An enemy's shadow becomes more clear from the game scene with "Quantum HDR2000".




体验游戏,仿佛置身于逼真的现实中。借助超高清分辨率,Odyssey Neo G7显示器为玩家带来高品质图像和生动的细节。


4K电竞 超高刷新率


在游戏场景中,拥有出色的响应速度。 165Hz刷新率减少了跳帧,让您以超流畅动作体验游戏的激情。在1ms(GtG)快速响应时间与低延迟的画面加持下,通过鼠标精确移动精准识别敌人。

* “1 ms”意为该产品平均响应时间约在 1.00ms 到 1.99ms 之间,取整为1ms。
*响应时间数值是将显示器响应时间设置为“极限模式” 后,基于三星内部测试环境,采用GtG方法测得的结果,可能因内容、显示器设置等实际使用环境而异。
*GtG(Gray to Gray)响应时间指测量显示器像素从一个灰度值变为另一个灰度值所需的时间。

专注 流畅不间断

AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

轻松体验,畅快游戏。AMD FreeSync Premium Pro的自适应同步技术,可减少屏幕撕裂、卡顿和输入延迟。低帧率 补偿技术确保画面的流畅播放。








After close-up of the monitor's lighting, 2 monitors are shown with each showing the front and back side of the screen. The left monitor with screen showing 3 different game scenes in each color-blue, red and green. The right monitor's lighting changes its color,according to the game scenes' colors. After close-up of the monitor's lighting, 2 monitors are shown with each showing the front and back side of the screen. The left monitor with screen showing 3 different game scenes in each color-blue, red and green. The right monitor's lighting changes its color,according to the game scenes' colors.




A monitor shows the viewpoint of a player within a shooting game. The player is running around a battle zone, with a machine gun. As the screen is extended from 16:9 to 21:9 proportion, an unseen enemy reveals in the left corner. "Battleground" logo is shown on the right lower corner of the screen. A monitor shows the viewpoint of a player within a shooting game. The player is running around a battle zone, with a machine gun. As the screen is extended from 16:9 to 21:9 proportion, an unseen enemy reveals in the left corner. "Battleground" logo is shown on the right lower corner of the screen.

* 超宽游戏视图功能需要在菜单中打开才能够实现21:9的视图




A monitor is shown alongside a laptop and gaming console. The laptop's cable is running to the monitor. And the monitor shows the same Excel on the screen with the laptop. But as the console turns on, connecting to the monitor,and it changes PC signal to console's with a menu of †Black Desert' game. A monitor is shown alongside a laptop and gaming console. The laptop's cable is running to the monitor. And the monitor shows the same Excel on the screen with the laptop. But as the console turns on, connecting to the monitor,and it changes PC signal to console's with a menu of †Black Desert' game.





  • 屏幕曲率 1000R
  • 屏幕比例 16:9
  • 亮度(典型值) 350cd/㎡
  • 静态对比度(典型值) 1,000,000:1(典型值)



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